15 May 2014

Home from Halifax

I love visiting Halifax, Nova Scotia. I lived there for about 5 years as a teenager, and my family lives there still. The city inspires me creatively, and I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after spending a lovely afternoon downtown and on the waterfront.
I was a bit saddened to see it in a bit of a drearier state than usual this visit though. Rent for shops downtown has sky rocketed, and most small businesses that I have always enjoyed visiting have had to close their doors. So many of the little buildings and shops that I adore are sitting empty for months with For Rent signs in the windows. It is becoming a city that is increasingly hard on small business, and successful stories are fewer and farther between. What a sad story.
One place that I love and always make sure I visit is the Halifax Seaport Market, though even it has dwindled slightly from when I shared a booth there two years ago with my mom. She has kept her booth there and has developed the lines she produces. I love seeing her booth mostly, because I just think it's so neat and inspiring to see what she's done for herself. She is where I get all of my creative energy and drive.
I am feeling excited about the beginning of this new adventure, and ready to actually give it a real shot now. I often freak myself out with all my doubts and fears and hesitations, but my mom always said to me, as her father said to her, "somebody's going to do it, why can't it be you." And that is the attitude I've always tried to keep as I embark on any kind of creative task or adventure or pursuit.

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